Our Plymouth Residential Heating And Air Conditioning Services
From Furnace Repair, Air Conditioner Repair and Heating and Air Conditioning Replacement, to Maintenance, and Installation.
James Heating Cooling And More repairs all brands and models of furnaces and air conditioners with the expert Service that you expect from your Local AC Service Company!
Financing Through Synchrony
James Heating Cooling And More offers financing for your next project through Synchrony. 0% Financing is available as well as low monthly payments which makes purchasing the Furnace and Air Conditioner package that you need even easier. Start saving money on your energy bill with high efficiency equipment as well as manufacturer rebates and rebates direct from your energy provider.
Why we Started James Heating Cooling And More..
We were brought up with the forgotten values that you don't take advantage of people; that you do to others as you would have them do to you.
A good friend is always there for you as a solution; To offer an expert opinion, and they’re not afraid to get dirty in order to fix the problem.
I'm James, and this is how we operate in business.
We are family owned and operated with 25 plus years of experience in the fields of Heating, Cooling, and Quality Air Comfort.
We grew up in this community and have worked here all of our lives. It has been our pleasure to meet some of the greatest people in Plymouth Rochester and surrounding areas over the years Installing Furnaces, Air Conditioners, and Humidifiers not to mention the countless Service Calls to repair the same.
We started this business in 1997 to be that simple small town solution to your needs. We have been so proud to have had the opportunity to serve you over the years and we look forward to many more of the same. Friendly, local, and always there when you need us. Like a friend we listen to your problems and needs, and work with you to come up with the most economical solution.
Small enough not to charge you an arm and a leg, but yet large enough to handle all of your needs.
Call for your FREE ESTIMATE today!
We want to get to know you, and add you to our family