Your home traps the stale, polluted air circulating through your homes ductwork due to the fact that it has been constructed to today’s high energy efficiency standards. That is a great thing under most circumstances however, this type of high efficiency also greatly reduces the addition of fresh air entering the home like it used to with low efficiency doors, windows, and general all around construction materials and methods.
As a result, many forms of bacteria and viruses can thrive on the inside of heating and air conditioning systems causing numerous health problems. There are also particles of pollen, dust mites, bio-aerosols, dirt and pet dander to consider.
The EPA states that indoor air is one of the top five environmental health risks of our time with up to 60 times more pollutants in the air than outside air. People who suffer from Asthma are in danger of bad flare ups due to this polluted air and studies have shown that 40% – 50% of all illnesses are caused by polluted indoor air.
1. HEPA In air duct Filters assures you that your ducts are being cleaned with the purest methods available. This filtration system is so efficient that it captures contaminants 1/300th the diameter of a human hair and returns filtered, healthy, clean air to your home. HEPA Air Filtration is highest air filtration possible, removing contaminants down to 0.3 microns, that means they are 99.97% efficient at removing all that bad stuff leaving your air healthy.
2. Ultraviolet Air Disinfection System – Kills bacteria, viruses, mold, fungi, and other living microorganisms such as the Flu Bug or even the germs that cause the common cold when used in conjunction with a high quality filter.
3. High Efficiency Media Air Cleaner, those big accordion looking filters, Remove small breathable particles to one micron.
Electronic Air Cleaners Remove small breathable particles and other air borne bio organisms down to one micron
4. Proper Duct Sealing. A duct system that is properly designed, and properly sealed, can make your home more energy efficient, safer for your health, and has less chance of growing mold.
5. Whole House Dehumidifiers. These units bring the moisture levels in a home down to acceptable levels not only saving you energy costs but also helping to eliminate mold spores in the air and environment.
6. Ductwork Cleaning Service. Have your ductwork thouroughly cleaned by a professional with the right tools in order to avoid costly repairs, and to ensure smooth operation of your HVAC System. A complete Ductwork System that has been professionally cleaned does not trap mold, dust, and virus bacteria like a dirty inefficient sysstem does.